TUTV Table Read: The Fifth Dentist

In The Fifth Dentist, scientific genius Joseph Faraday appears on the set of a reality TV show to win the affections of one Lady Dopamine, a woman with powers that effect the pleasure receptors in the human brain, only to leave the show and travel to a world controlled by dentists.

In this second installment of TUTV Table Read written by Temple student Sam Watson, viewers will learn how an obsession with science can make you undateable, that Faraday’s robot ex-wife left him for a toaster, and the extent to which dentists will go to torture the living.

The program stars Adam Wahlberg as Faraday, and features local actors Joseph Trainor, Jenna Kuerz, Nikiya Palombi, Joe Vallee, Loren Lepre, John Groody, and Curtis K. Case.

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