Temple Update: April 11, 2013

Isabel Garcia reports the Temple Student Government election results live, speaking with new TSG president Darin Bartholomew moments after his victory. Megan McNerney goes to the student pavilion to see how fraternities and sororities have come together for the Relay for Life event.

Matt Repino covers Temple’s impending decision to withdraw their licensing agreement with Adidas due to human rights violations in overseas factories used by the company.

Janelle Roedan interviews the fundraiser coordinator for Raquel Nunn, a burn victim who also lost her home to the fire that injured her. Alexandra Bristow visits a new Temple University Ready Care located in Jenkintown, which will help treat local community members in mild emergency situations.

Alexandra Ciarrocchi attends a Cobbs Creek Cleanup activity coordinated by the Office of Sustainability to clean up a section of the Fairmount Park system. Seth Wozniak covers the Zombie Run event held in Philadelphia. And Rebeccah Hendrickson covers the Temple Baseball team’s effort to raise funds for a cancer foundation.

Original Airdate: 04/11/13
Main Anchors: Megan McNerney and Chase Senior
Sports: Simone Cuccurullo
Weather: Dan Marcel
Entertainment: Tim Reilly

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